
Another Semester Gone...

finals_1000102 Final Portfolios Academ Of Art San Francisco Last day of the spring semester, and this was by far the most difficult class I've ever taught in the 6 years I've been an instructor at the Academy of Art. Every class is different, every group dynamic varies, but this bunch was exceptionally difficult to reach. How do you explain the effects of focal length and depth of field to someone who has never held a camera that wasn't attached to a phone? How do you convince young people that instagram filters don't make a snapshot a good photograph. How do you facilitate a dialogue about what makes an impactful, powerful image with students who's native language is not your own? How do you convey the impact that the printed image can have to someone who has never printed a photograph?

It was a long semester, but in the end they came through, thanks to all my students who put in the effort. I hope you learned as much as I did.

finals_1000100 Final Portfolios Academ Of Art San Francisco

finals_1000097 Final Portfolios Academ Of Art San Francisco