Eastern Europe

I'm A Lousy Tourist...

I care little for churches or monuments, I think walking tours are silly. I like to wander around and sit in cafes and eat and drink and watch other, more serious tourists fumble about. Though I’m always with a camera, always looking for pictures.

View from Prague Castle, Czechia.

Prague, Czechia.

I thoroughly enjoy and embrace the pleasure of being idle. It makes me a lousy tourist and it drives my wife crazy, but it works for me…

A few snaps from Prague. Prints upon request.

There Is Something To Be Said For Trains...

It’s silly when you think about it, trains being so ubiquitus in Europe, and somehow still such a past novelty in the States, but there is something to be said for trains in general, a subtle romanticism, some small sense of adventure, even if it’s just a really big bus with a bar car.

Somewhere in Slovakia…

We arrived at the train station in Budapest at 9am for a 10am train, quickly realizing that the 10am was canceled and the only train to Prague that day left in 4 minutes. Running ensued, we literally stopped the doors from closing as we piled into the last car. We met a nice kid from Ukraine fleeing the war. It was an interesting morning.

Through Hungary, Slovakia, into Czechia and Prague, it was a long ride in the same car as a bachelor party that was traveling with a cooler full of what looked like high-proof cough syrup. Anyway, there is something to be said for trains…