Color Photography

Word On The Street

#0553_30 - Market Street, San Francisco 2017

In Technicolor no less... or Kodak Portra as it were...

A departure to say the least, I've been experimenting with some color film lately. My wife likes to tell people that I'm actually color blind. Seriously, she does it all the time.

All images shot with a Voigtlander R3m, 50mm Nokton f/1.1 on Kodak Portra 400 film.

Shout out to Photoworks SF for stellar processing and quick turn around... got to support the local shops...

#0551_17A - Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco 2017

#0553_18 - Market Street, San Francisco 2017

#0551_16A - New Montgomery Street, San Francisco 2017

Dabblings In Color

#0445_27A - Montgomery Station, San Francisco, CA. April 2016. Leica M3, Zeiss 50mm f/1.5, Kodak Portra 400.

I rarely if ever work in color beyond the obligatory digital testing in the studio. However, recently for whatever reason I've just sort of felt the urge run a few rolls of color negative film through the cameras.

It's a stretch to say the least, I have a difficult time seeing in color, I find it a distraction more often than not, difficult to control. My wife makes fun of me, thinks I'm color blind. I'm not, for the record.

#0445_08A - Mid Market Street. San Francisco, CA. April 2016. Leica M3, Zeiss 50mm f/1.5, Kodak Portra 400.

Burned a few rolls of color film in the studio as well, have yet to sort through them, but will post a selection once I have the chance. Not sure if the switch is something I'll keep up with or not. May have been a fleeting fancy...

#0445_08A - Market Street. San Francisco, CA. April 2016. Leica M3, Zeiss 50mm f/1.5, Kodak Portra 400.

#0445_08A - Mid Market Street. San Francisco, CA. April 2016. Leica M3, Zeiss 50mm f/1.5, Kodak Portra 400.