So it's been a year...

Maybe longer actually. We got rid of the donald (for the moment), I turned 40 years old (only mildly depressing), mailchimp deleted my account, unbeknownst to me (apologies to my 12 email subscribers), and the United States continues to disappoint in terms of covid response (freedom isn’t free, I’m told, sigh…). I’ve viewed most of these events through the lens of their effect on a toddler, which is to say, he doesn’t care and continues to be a complete maniac bent on destruction. Life goes on. I’ve also spent an inordinate amount of time camping in the woods this last year. Not all bad…

Things are oddly looking pretty good in my little bubble. Case loads are way down in the Bay Area. Vaccinations rates are through the roof, especially in The City. Say what you will about San Francisco Department of Public Health, they stepped up and knocked it out of the park in their response to all this madness.

Attempting, slowly, to sift through the bit of work I did create in the last year or so. Hoping to get back to some sort of normal pace of making images again. Time will tell.

Call this a mic check.